Amy's New Personal Blog

By Amy Munroe, Personel Blog Post

This is my first personal blog and I have been encouraged to start this journey. I look forward to sharing with you personal reflections that have deepened my thinking and inspired me to change my viewpoints for the better. By better, I mean following Christ to unveil the positive, uplifting, encouraging, and inspiring. The purpose of this blog is to help you have a different thought or perspective on everyday encounters and activities. My hope and prayer are that you will be renewed and inspired by these posts.

I encourage your feedback and ask you to keep it constructive and honest. Here’s to our journey together!

I am a believer in Jesus Christ and have been all my life. But, I think being a believer is different than being a Christ-follower. I long to be a true follower of Christ, not just a believer who attends church every week. I do not want my “good feeling from worship” and faith to stop at noon on Sunday when church is over.

I want to know Jesus on a very personal level and this blog is my path down that road. My favorite bible verse is Psalm 119: 105 "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." I will use his word to help my journey.

Thank you for reading about my journey and may God bless you and yours.

This blog is the viewpoint of Amy Munroe
