5 Ways to Give the Gift of Learning

The opportunity to learn is one of the most meaningful gifts you can give to someone (including yourself). There’s lots of ways to give the gift of learning...

1. Reading: Having employees read industry, business trends, self-improvement and various other titles can help them improve their skills. This also allows for discovering what needs improvement – and how to do that — in their personal and professional lives.

2. Training: The investment in training that a company makes shows employees that they are valued and creates an engaged workplace. Employees may gain access to training they wouldn’t have otherwise known about or sought out themselves. Employees who feel appreciated and challenged through training opportunities may feel more satisfaction toward their jobs.

3. Stretch Experiences: Much has been written about the importance of getting out of your comfort zone so you can professionally grow and develop. Organizations should assign tasks or projects to employees that are outside of their comfort zones to help them in this process.

4. Coaching: Managers should not underestimate the impact of 1:1 coaching on their people as it frequently creates a fundamental shift in their approach to their work. Managers who coach are creating an environment for continuous learning. Employees are motivated to learn

by Manager relationships.

5. Time: LinkedIn Learning Workplace Study reports that "Getting employees to make time for learning has moved up to the #1 challenge facing talent development." Carve time out of regular business hours and make it a priority for your employee to focus on learning activities.

We hope you have a wonderful holiday and look forward to serving you in the New Year. Happy Holidays.
